Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thankful Thoughts...

Before our day gets crazy with cooking and baking and before the Macy's parade comes on and I'm glued to the TV like every year, trying to get everyone in my house to watch it with me against their will (LOL!)...

I want to wish everyone a VERY Happy Thanksgving! This is the time of year I reflect on all of the blessings in my life. My family, my friends (including my wonderful clients!) I have a large number of "online friends" who I've known for years, yet never met. They are cherished blessings from all over the US and the entire globe! I have friends back East (CT and NJ) who have been cherished blessings in my life for MANY years, even at long distance! My best friend Jenn from CT, whom I met in 8th grade... girl, can you believe it's been so long!?!?! You and your wonderful family are a huge blessing in my life! I love all of you guys! My wonderful husband Tim and his family, where would I be without you all? My mom and her family back East, My own family both East and West... and my amazing kids... what can I say, they are my life! I am thankful for all of these wonderful people and our health and happiness!

So from my little family here in TX to all of you and yours, Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Wish you were here (or we were there!) Love you all!!!

Thanks for stopping in on the Blog... see you soon!!!

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