Friday, August 31, 2007

Ain't Technology Great???

So... I'm FINALLY back up and running after being off-line for nearly two weeks!!! I KNOW!! Can you imagine??? No Internet, No e-mail, totally disconnected!!! (OK, admittedly, by the time the guy came to hook me back up yesterday, I was almost sorry... it was nice to have more time to focus on other things and not attached to the keyboard for my lifeline.) BUT, I'm back up and running, and at LIGHTENING speed, might I add!! This service puts my old satellite internet to shame!!! LOL!

SO, my e-mail info will be changing, but the e-mail will remain the same, so anyone trying to contact me, please use that one.

Here are a few more proofs from one of my new favorite babies!!!

Thank you for visiting!!! See you soon...

Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Little Doll Turns 1!

Here you go Maggie! Your Sneak Peek for your session this morning! I had SUCH a great time with little "J"! He is SUCH a cutie and SO SO SWEET!!! For everyone out there reading this, little "J" turns 1 this Thursday, so these were his 1yr pictures.

ALSO...For those new (even new"ish") moms in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, his mom, Maggie, is an amazing mom and owner of the Arlington Stroller Strides!!! Stroller Strides is a great way for new moms to get out, meet other local moms, play with baby AND get some exercise to shed those pregnancy pounds!!! Can't beat that, can ya?? (Some of us with a 4 yr old STILL need to shed those pregnancy pounds!! HA!! ME!) As long as your little one will sit in a stroller/jogger while you walk! You can check out her web site here or e-mail her at for more information and to sign up!!

And, without further ado... HERE'S SWEET BABY "J" !!!
(you can click on the images to see them larger)

Does it GET any cuter than that????

Thanks for stopping in!! See you soon...

Sunday, August 5, 2007

A Wild Ride!

LONG TIME NO POST!!! Sorry for those who have been checking in with nothing new posted for the past couple of months!

This Summer has been full of family and fun! We went on a trip to CT to visit family, returned to have more family (my MIL) visit & went on a great mini vacation to San Antonio with her, had even more family visit when we returned! And in between were day camps for the kids and my daughter's first recital and 4th birthday & my son lost his first two teeth!! BUSY BUSY BUSY! It has been WONDERFUL and I loved every minute, but it also made me miss our family even more than I already did.


...we've also progressed on the studio! We expect to have it ready for sessions by September 1st, barring any unforseen bumps in the road.

I am still scheduling appointments for on-location sessions. I love working in the studio, but to me, nothing beats a natural setting of a client's home, yard, a park or the arboretum or botanical gardens! Natural light is AWESOME and really sets a relaxed soft tone to a portrait. If you're interested in scheduling one of these great sessions with your family, just the kids , by yourself or with your significant other... please contact me for details and scheduling.

OK... now you may also notice that there is some rennovation being done to our web site. It's being updated and cleaned up, so please pardon the dust while this long process takes place during the month of August!

Here are a some of my favorite shots from our Summer jaunts... Enjoy!!

And as always, thanks for visiting!

See you soon...