Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thankful Thoughts...
I want to wish everyone a VERY Happy Thanksgving! This is the time of year I reflect on all of the blessings in my life. My family, my friends (including my wonderful clients!) I have a large number of "online friends" who I've known for years, yet never met. They are cherished blessings from all over the US and the entire globe! I have friends back East (CT and NJ) who have been cherished blessings in my life for MANY years, even at long distance! My best friend Jenn from CT, whom I met in 8th grade... girl, can you believe it's been so long!?!?! You and your wonderful family are a huge blessing in my life! I love all of you guys! My wonderful husband Tim and his family, where would I be without you all? My mom and her family back East, My own family both East and West... and my amazing kids... what can I say, they are my life! I am thankful for all of these wonderful people and our health and happiness!
So from my little family here in TX to all of you and yours, Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Wish you were here (or we were there!) Love you all!!!
Thanks for stopping in on the Blog... see you soon!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Give the gift of MEMORIES!!!!
Certificates are valid for one year from the purchase date.
They are available in any amount, however we do recommend purchasing a session fee and adding on from there.
Please contact the studio for details!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
We are taking session bookings for January through March at this time! I hope that everyone has a great Holiday Season and that I get to meet a lot more of you in the New Year! I'll post between now and then, I just wanted to give y'all an update!
As always, thanks for stopping by the blog!
See you soon...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Family Time at the Park

I was such a pleasure to finally meet you all!
Thanks for visiting the blog... see you soon!!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Here are some of my favorite pictures of those adorable little witches and goblins!!! Look out for a message from Maggie about how to access more pictures from that day!

Friday, October 5, 2007
Please take note! We are updating our pricing structure, policies and prices. The new prices will take effect Nov 1. Any orders from sessions which occurred prior to Nov 1 will be able to order prints at the old prices through Dec 31st. After that date, all prices will be charged at the new pricing structure. New prices will be available by request as of Nov 1. Please contact me for information.
The first 10 people who book a session between October 15 & November 15 will be entered into a drawing for a FREE SESSION!!! Your actual session can occur after Nov 15, but you must BOOK and pre-pay your session during that time frame. For more information, please visit the Specials section of our web site HERE!!! Good luck!!!
More exciting news!
I will be speaking at the Luna Moms' Club in Arlington on Friday October 12th. The Luna Moms' Club is partnered with Arlington Stroller Strides and is a great place for moms to get together, let the kids play and to learn and share with eachother. I will be giving tips to the club moms on how to take great pictures of their own kids. I'll be sharing tips on composition, basic camera settings, how to catch your active little one on the run, how to get some great eye contact for those awesome looking straight into the camera shots and how it's OK if you don't always get eye contact or smiles... and much more!!! It should be a lot of fun... and THEN, we're heading out to a pumpkin patch with the kids where I'll be taking some pictures of the kids having some great fall fun!!!
So, if you're interested in joining the Luna Moms' Club or Stroller Strides in Arlington, please do so and come out and join us!!!! There are two Stroller Strides locations in Arlington now, too! Veteran's Park and The Parks Mall! You can check out more info here:
Stroller_Strides Or contact Maggie Grayson at or 800.964.1676.
THANKS FOR CHECKING IN!!!! See you soon...
Friday, September 28, 2007
a little behind...
... on just about everything these days, it seems!!! SO SORRY to everyone who checks back regularly!! There has been a rather sad lack of blogging going on around here! BUT...
THE STUDIO IS COMPLETE!!! I hope to get some pictures of the new camera room and put them up here ASAP! We've been tweaking and fine tuning and we are ready to book sessions! YAAAYYY!!! :)
If you would like to book a Holiday Session, please do so ASAP! Space is limited and the deadline for sessions is Nov 1. We are taking appointments for both in-studio and on location Holiday sessions! The weather is breaking here in North Texas and we should get some great jeans and sweater weather here in a couple of weeks!!! AWESOME for some beautiful outdoor portraits!! Ordering deadline for cards and holiday gift prints is November 15th. After that date, an expedited shipping charge of $20 is added to all orders. Cards cannot be ordered after Nov 30th. I custom design all of my Holiday Cards!!! Here are some samples from previous seasons...
As always, see you soon... (I promise!!!)
Friday, August 31, 2007
Ain't Technology Great???
SO, my e-mail info will be changing, but the e-mail will remain the same, so anyone trying to contact me, please use that one.
Here are a few more proofs from one of my new favorite babies!!!

Thank you for visiting!!! See you soon...
Saturday, August 18, 2007
A Little Doll Turns 1!
ALSO...For those new (even new"ish") moms in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, his mom, Maggie, is an amazing mom and owner of the Arlington Stroller Strides!!! Stroller Strides is a great way for new moms to get out, meet other local moms, play with baby AND get some exercise to shed those pregnancy pounds!!! Can't beat that, can ya?? (Some of us with a 4 yr old STILL need to shed those pregnancy pounds!! HA!! ME!) As long as your little one will sit in a stroller/jogger while you walk! You can check out her web site here or e-mail her at for more information and to sign up!!
And, without further ado... HERE'S SWEET BABY "J" !!!
(you can click on the images to see them larger)
Does it GET any cuter than that????
Thanks for stopping in!! See you soon...
Sunday, August 5, 2007
A Wild Ride!
This Summer has been full of family and fun! We went on a trip to CT to visit family, returned to have more family (my MIL) visit & went on a great mini vacation to San Antonio with her, had even more family visit when we returned! And in between were day camps for the kids and my daughter's first recital and 4th birthday & my son lost his first two teeth!! BUSY BUSY BUSY! It has been WONDERFUL and I loved every minute, but it also made me miss our family even more than I already did.
...we've also progressed on the studio! We expect to have it ready for sessions by September 1st, barring any unforseen bumps in the road.
I am still scheduling appointments for on-location sessions. I love working in the studio, but to me, nothing beats a natural setting of a client's home, yard, a park or the arboretum or botanical gardens! Natural light is AWESOME and really sets a relaxed soft tone to a portrait. If you're interested in scheduling one of these great sessions with your family, just the kids , by yourself or with your significant other... please contact me for details and scheduling.
OK... now you may also notice that there is some rennovation being done to our web site. It's being updated and cleaned up, so please pardon the dust while this long process takes place during the month of August!
Here are a some of my favorite shots from our Summer jaunts... Enjoy!!

And as always, thanks for visiting!
See you soon...